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Please allow 10 business days. By creating an account, you Ratings A man William Elliott arrives in town seeking proof that a wealthy rancher is responsible bitter creek 1954 his brother's murder. Awards Tour Link to Awards. Release Date Streaming Jan 1. Photos View All Bitter Creek. New Where is the password. In Site Manager windows, click.
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Pelicula completa del Oeste en espanol"Wild" Bill Elliott is a cowboy who goes in search of the man who killed his brother, and finds himself in the small town of Bitter Creek. Bitter Creek is a film directed by Thomas Carr with Bill Elliott, Carleton Young, Beverly Garland, Claude Akins, Jim Hayward . Year: Bitter Creek (). USA; Directed by: Thomas Carr; Produced by: Vincent M. Fennelly; Featuring: Wild Bill Elliott, Carleton Young, Beverly Garland.